To My Friend, who taught me to leave with grace, and reserve my blazes for those who deserve the warmth of my passion. My unending love to you and the time of our travel of this realm together
I have always had a sort of inability to gauge when a battle is lost. This is honestly an unwise thing - for all that we glamourise fighting tooth and nail for what we believe in.
This is not to be mistaken for being fatigued with fighting/standing up for what one believes in. No, we are not ceding to an ambivalent universe because of the odds. This is fighting when the power structure or system is invested in making the very realities of the conflict suit a narrative that is not reality. When even those ignorant are encouraged to not extend grace, or worse yet, consider the conflict's seeming inevitable conclusion an act of mercy and aid.
This also leads to the knowledge people explore to the expanse of the thought power they are willing to expend on any one subject. which is their right to choose.
but to everyone else feeling this way and seeing this - YOUR DECISION TO MOVE IS ALSO YOUR RIGHT, AND QUITE FINE.
if you need to re-read that. please go ahead.
The alchemy of your kindness, patience, vision, or abilities is not something you control beyond the act of practicing and extending it. Your time here is precious, and people are free to reject everything that does not serve them - even if that is a mistaken perception. do not forget your right to also do the same.
I have made the realisation several times over - but most poignantly in this pandemic - I'd rather a living friend who left on grounds of their principles than give the world another martyr. for however selfish that sounds, forgive me; these lessons are not new. We should not need death or even burnout and disillusionment when someone has communicated their needs and boundaries clearly.
We also need no greater sign than the actions and reactions that have gone before.
Peace and Love
Carl Anthony Hines
Vocalist, Researcher, Educator, Freelance Conductor and Creative Director, Writer.